New Legacy is a group of exceptional instrumentalist, and phenomenal vocals, singing meaningful lyrics, all of which that plays part in the lasting trademark of this group! But their performances are so much more than just music.
This "New" group is not really new at all…four of the members are veteran musicians with firm roots in gospel, bluegrass and contemporary Christian music.
New Legacy brings many years of music ministry experience with them to every performance, along with a wide variety of instruments and music styles. They have a unique range of voices that might sing a traditional bluegrass song one moment, a classic country gospel, or even an acapella.
"Our Mission is to use our God given gifts to bring everyone to that moment when they’re encouraged, and uplifted! The fact that we get to do that while playing the music we love is truly a joy that is indescribable!"-Nathan Gates
New Legacy members have shared the stage with some very notable talent in recent years including: Dailey and Vincent, Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver, Rhonda Vincent, and many more. Between songs the lighter side of the group comes out in the way of humorous stories, good natured pranks and just plain fun!
Anyone attending a New Legacy concert should expect to leave the concert with a encouragement and joy to keep pressing on!

// Banjo/Guitar/Mandolin/Vocals
Nathan Gates started out traveling within a musical family. His father put a mandolin in his hands because it seemed the perfect size for a 9-year-old but two years later, he realized that while the mandolin was the perfect size, the banjo was the perfect fit! He has been playing banjo ever since.
Being inspired by: Little Roy Lewis, New Tradition, and The Franz Family, have all played a key role in Nathan's style becoming his very own.
Nathan works throughout the week as a General Contractor/HVAC Technician. Nathan's spare time is spent dabbling in all things electronic, and audio\visual equipment.
Twenty years ago, Nathan began putting his hobby to good use by opening his own recording studio and starting: Brite Production Studios, (an independent Record Label)
// Vocals/Mandolin
Rachel comes to us all the way from Connecticut. Since moving to Illinois to earn her Bachelors in Agricultural Education at Illinois State University, she has enjoyed assisting the band behind the scenes as well as taking on the new role of mandolin player and vocalist.
In recent years, she has taken the stage with several local southern gospel groups, including The Gates Family and One Reason. It is a dream come true to worship her Lord and Savior in song to the glory of Jesus Christ.

// Bass/Cello
Bob studied cello and bass at Illinois Wesleyan University and at Northern Illinois University. He has been a professional church musician throughout Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin for over 30 years.
Bob has also been performing with orchestras, operas, theater groups, wedding groups and (for a short time) an early-Elvis-era rock band. His music teaching experiences include 6 years with the Lincoln Way Youth String Orchestra as the low strings specialist as well as up to 25 private cello and bass students. Currently Bob spends quite a few evenings and weekends taking his daughter Kemedy to bluegrass jams where Bob can be Kemedy’s personal bassist.
// Fiddle/Cello/Bass
Kemedy started studying cello with her Dad at age 6. By age 10, she was fitting in with the high school players in youth orchestra. When the new fiddle player in town came to her youth orchestra rehearsal that summer looking for new students, Kemedy had to play fiddle. She quickly found a local guitar shop that had bluegrass jams and new mentors-who still give her tremendous support. A move from the South suburbs of Chicago to Bloomington, Illinois gave her the chance to complete the switch from cello to violin as well as create the motivation and opportunity to study locally with violinist/fiddler Chris Bock as well as online with famous fiddler Michael Cleveland. Kemedy enjoys playing with her cat Ember and will be attending Birkley University in Boston MA, this fall.

// Guitar/vocals
Craig has traveled since his early twenties in college choirs and even moved to directing crusade choirs. Learning guitar as a teenager He grew up with a love for music. During his college days He got married and began to start a family which later grew into a family ministry traveling and singing gospel music at churches, camp meetings, and even county fairs.
He has held position as a Pastor, Deacon, and Evangelist. Craig has toured over 40 years in over 14 states and continues to sing and play at every opportunity.